A esmo na quente tarde de ontem ouvi no rádio do carro Johnny's Garden, do Stephens Stills (o S do CSNY). Emprestei o apelido quando criei este blog mas nunca havia prestado atenção na letra, ontem por acaso prestei, combinou muito com nossa migração para Holambra.
Acho que todo mundo conhece a melodia mas coloquei-a pra tocar no playerzinho do imeem a direita.
There's a place I can get to
Where I'm safe from the city blues
And it's green and it's quiet
Only trouble was I had to buy it
Only trouble was I had to buy it
And I'll do anything I got to do
Cut my hair and shine my shoes
And keep on singin' the blues
If I can stay here in Johnny's garden
Cut my hair and shine my shoes
And keep on singin' the blues
If I can stay here in Johnny's garden
With his love and his carin'
He puts his life into beauty sharin'
And his children are his flowers
There to give us peace in quiet hours
He puts his life into beauty sharin'
And his children are his flowers
There to give us peace in quiet hours
And I'll do anything I got to do
Cut my hair and shine my shoes
And keep on singin' the blues
If I can stay here in Johnny's garden
Cut my hair and shine my shoes
And keep on singin' the blues
If I can stay here in Johnny's garden
No lago Vitória Régia as capivaras se refrescam...
Na Alameda Maurício de Nassau, onde ficam a prefeitura, o pronto socorro e o clube da cidade percebe-se que o trânsito é intenso as 5 da tarde...
Nas plantações e estufas de flores o tempo passa lento como o Rubinho Barrichello...
Cara, eu adoro esta cidade...
Um comentário:
Isso que é lugar pra viver.
Quando eu crescer quero um lugar assim.
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